Northern Illinois Steam Power Club

To preserve and develop steam power as an educational hobby and to recall the days when steam was the basic power source in factories, fields, and transportation and to provide education programs about steam power.

Northern Illinois Steam Power Club

To preserve and develop steam power as an educational hobby and to recall the days when steam was the basic power source in factories, fields, and transportation and to provide education programs about steam power.

Join Us for the 67th Annual

Sycamore Steam Show

August 8-11, 2024

Join Us for the 67th Annual

Sycamore Steam Show

August 8-11, 2024


The Northern Illinois Steam Power Club is based in Sycamore Illinois. Our purpose is to preserve and develop steam power as an educational hobby and to recall the days when steam was the basic power source in factories, in factories, fields, and transportation, and to provide educational programs about steam power.

See photos & videos

Steam Engine Safety Valve
Minneapolis Steam Engine and a Half Scale Case Steam Engine
Nichols and Shepard Steam Engine operating Saw Mill