Originally written by Bruce Johnson and published in the 60th anniversary show program.
Over the past few years, the tractor display area has grown to include at least 300 tractors of all types. Displayed tractors should be built prior to 1960, which are considered “classics” and can date as far back as the teens, which can be classified as “primitive”. In between, you’ll find all types. There are perfectly restored tractors and some still in their work clothes. You’ll find rubber tires on most and steel wheels on others. These were common prior to the Second World War. There are tractors of all colors and brand loyalties run strong. Tractor collecting hs grown with some wanting to relive the model they or their family grew up on, and some collectors may have never driven a tractor before. An old tractor that may need a little repair can still be considered a bargain, and can make a great family project. Even if you don’t have a field to plow, tractors can be fun for parades, hayrides, or just showing off.
Hi, I am a member of the Geneva Park District Foundation, we hold an event called Autumn Fair every year at Peck Farm Park, this year it is on September 17th, 11 to 3pm. Do you ever take old tractors on he road to events? We would love to have a couple at the event. I look forward to hearing from someone, thanks.
Hi Jay,
If you can send our club secretary an email at secretary.nispc@gmail.com he can include this in our next newsletter and if any club members are available to bring their tractor they can get in touch with you.
Thank you for reaching out!